(702) 489-WELL (9355)

Comprehensive Health Service

Your trusted home health partner to a healthy community.

CHS ensures that you will receive continuity of care after your discharge from a hospital or other acute care facility. A care that is tailored to your condition delivered directly to your home.

CHS promotes healthy lifestyles minimizing unwanted hospital visits and added stress. This can be achieved through education, wellness checkup and community involvement.

We understand that health is one of the best assets in life. Hence we develop programs to help maintain your health at the optimum level, function with independence, and have continuous access to healthcare.

We understand how communities shaped Las Vegas. CHS adopted cultural diversity to better serve every resident and actively collaborate with institutions to promote easy healthcare access.


Comprehensive Health Service has earned the The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval ®, which ensures high quality service.


Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.